An e-commerce website for a Book Publication in Athens. Written from scratch in Vuejs. The backend is written in Nodejs. Cron jobs have been
implemented for the website to be auto-updated with books as they are released via REST APIs. The database used was MongoDB. An Admin Portal was
also created for the orders to be modified accordingly from the admins.
A cryptocurrency blockchain that uses POW technology. The backend is written in python and Nodejs and the frontend is written in Vue.JS and
Bootstrap. It implements various features such as automatic Wallet Creation, Mining, Sending and Receiving Transactions, Consensus and 51% attack
protection. Everything is stored securely and hashed.
A MySql database about running a Rent-A-Car business. Admin can add multiple stores, cars, employers and employees. It was built with Php and
Boostrap 5. Everything runs on an Apache Server using Xaamp.
A map with a login interface. Everything is encrypted. Users crowdsource gas prices so visitors can find the cheapest Gas Station in their area. A
fastest route from the user's location is also provided using Google Maps Api.
A Tichu counter for the well-known card game created by having the UI friendliness in mind. The application can keep scores by just enabling
switches in order for the Tichu/Grand Tichu/Double Win scores to be counted. It also has an autocomplete feature so whenever a player adds a score
for one team, the equivalent score for the other team is added automatically. Players can even see a full scoreboard of each round of the game.
Changing names for the teams is also supported as well as the points when a game ends.
A website to act as an online Menu for a FastFood Restaurant. It is mobile Friendly, has links for all the known food delivery applications and
acts as a middle man between the client and the Restaurant itself. Was created to cope with the covid era, where printed out menus were banished.